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The Old Library
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The Old Library was built around 1775, when the Irish College was a seminary.The collection consists of almost 8,000 volumes written or published between the 15th and 19th centuries : books about theology, history,
philosophy… used for the training of the seminarians.
A number of books contain noteworthy details and different types of decorations such as engravings, frontispieces, illustrations, lithographs, maps, photographs, plates, portraits or other decorations. Click on each of the terms above to see the list of relevant books.
The Old Library collection consists of almost 8,000 volumes comprised of printed books and manuscripts, written or published between the 15th and 19th centuries. It is one of the few surviving libraries of the many colleges, c...
Read moreAccess to the collection
Hundreds of books from the Old Library collection are digitized and available on line. Those that are not digitized are accessible for research purposes, by appointment. Online access Search the online catalogue ...
Read moreFellowship
The Centre Culturel Irlandais offers Fellowship bursaries to encourage research on its Old Library and Historical Archives collections. Recipient for 2043: Marco Papasidero (university of Palermo) will study the theme of &qu...
Read moreAny questions?
The Libraries and Archives staff is available to answer your questions about the collections and how to access them. Feel free to contact us by email . The Old Library of the Centre Culturel Irlandais is accessible for res...
Read moreOnline exhibitions
Browse through our heritage collections with brand new eyes: uncover the secrets of rare books, the battle of books and marginalia.
Read moreDigitised books and archives
Have a look at the three beautiful illuminated manuscripts, treasures of the Old Library, and other digitised books from the collection. Over 200 manuscripts and printed books have been digitised and can be consulted o...
Read moreThe Old Library's preservation campaign
This project was made possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors:
Arkhênum, Fabienne Dabrigeon, David and Lisa Donnelly, Kathy Gilfillan, GSF
Heures de Notre-Dame
Biblia cum glossa... Nicolai de Lyra postillis [Bi...
Psautier flamand
World chronicle with the descent of the kings of E...
Joannis Redmani, Angli, Sacrae Theologiae professo...
De falsa Lutheranorum... et vera Christi religione...
A Relation of some yeares travaile begunne anno 16...
North-west Fox, or Fox from the North-west passage...
The First book. The discovery of a new world, or a...
Histoire Universelle du grand royaume de la Chine....
A Brief discourse of the happy Union of the Kingdo...
Les Pseaumes en forme de prières, paraphrase
Focaloir gaoidhilge sax-Bhéarla or an Irish-Englis...
L'Iliade, with an Irish translation by... the arch...