Centre Culturel Irlandaiscontact
Titre : | Etudes irlandaises vol 32 n 2 - 2007 |
Type de document : | Bulletin |
Paru le : | 01/01/2007 |
Catherine MARSHALL, Auteur
"" the first thing an artist does is to try and transcend ideas of identity, rather than to go in the opposite direction." These words spoken by Shane Cullen in an interview with Mark Ward ( Inter...
Gemma TIPTON, Auteur
Ireland's built infrastructure for the arts has changed dramatically in the past fifteen years. While this has created new opportunities for exhibiting, it has also given rise to difficulties in te...
Sylvie MIKOWSKI, Auteur
Avec Dubliners Joyce inaugura un véritable sous-genre littéraire qui prend la capitale irlandaise non seulement comme cadre au sens réaliste du terme mais come source d'un mode de représentatio...
Eva URBAN, Auteur
The paper examines the performance of power relations between the justice system and the citizens of Northern Ireland, as enacted in Tinderbox Theatre Compan's site-specific production was presente...
Claire LYNCH, Auteur
The opening years of the twenty-first century can be characterized by the increased overlap between cyberspace and the physical world; virtual reality is more real than it has ever been. The rising...
Kieran ALLEN, Auteur
A number of commentators have argued that Ireland has either a "contented majority" or has become a "middle class nation". They assume that the majority of society have benefited from the Celtic Ti...
Agnes MAILLOT, Auteur
Grâce à ses succès électoraux en Irlande du Nord, le Sinn Fein est devenu le premier parti nationaliste, laissant le SDLP loin derrière. Il tente désormais d'appliquer sa stratégie et son discours ...
In 1977 Seamus Heaney defined his "sense of place", a central concept in his own sense of identity, as "an equable marriage between the geographical country and the country of the mind" (1980: 132)...
Catherine PIOLA, Auteur
L'article étudie en quoi la population irlandaise se recompose sous l'effet des mutations économique et sociale engendrées par le Tigre Celtique. La présence de non-nationaux participe directement ...
Bairbre NI CHIOSAIN, Auteur
In June 2004, the Irish voted in a referendum which proposed to restrict access to Irish citizenship. After several weeks of heated debate, the Citizenship Referendum was approved by almost 80% of ...