Centre Culturel Irlandaiscontact
vol. 26 n 101 May 1988 | vol. 30 n 117 May 1996 | vol. 32 n 127 2001 | vol. 33 n 130 2002 | vol. 33 n 129 2002 | vol. 33 n 132 2003 | vol. 33 n 131 2003 |
Titre : | Irish Historical Studies : Périodique numérique et imprimé vol. 33 n 130 - 2002 |
Type de document : | Bulletin |
Paru le : | 01/01/2002 |
Martyn J. POWELL, Auteur
In 1783 Henry Grattan complimented Charles James Fox by describing his views as 'liberal to Ireland and just to those lately concerned in her redemption'. He also claimed that 'Fox wished sincerely...
Fintan LANE, Auteur
In the late nineteenth-century Irish rural labourers had few consistent advocates willing to pursue their social and economic claims at a national level. Those that did exist, such as P.F. Johnson ...
Alvin JACKSON, Auteur
On 16 February 1966 James Camlin Beckett, who by that time had taught in Queen's University Belfast for twenty-one years, confided to his dairy that he found it 'hard to stay awake for an hour long...
Patrick LITTLE, Auteur
Richard Boyle, first earl of Cork, was a most unlikely antiquarian. A self-made man and a ruthless politician, by the early 1630s he had become the richest landowner in Munster and was entertaining...
Fintan LANE, Auteur
The relationship between constitutional and advanced or physical-force nationalism in nineteenth-century Ireland was always tense and intimate. Both traditions professed to repudiate the stated aim...