Centre Culturel Irlandaiscontact
Vol 36 n 1 2011 | Vol 37 n 2 2012 | Vol 37 n 1 2012 | Vol. 38 n 1 2013 | Vol 39 n 2 2014 | Vol. 38 n 2 2014 | Vol 39 n 1 2014 |
Titre : | Etudes irlandaises Vol. 38 n 1 - 2013 |
Type de document : | Bulletin |
Paru le : | 01/01/2013 |
Michael A., Jr. MOIR, Auteur
Throughout his career as a poet, Louis MacNeice, born in Belfast but schooled and resident in England, looks at the western counties of Ireland, and indeed the island itself, as a repository of his...
Donal P. MCCRACKEN, Auteur
This paper looks at the fate of an Anglo-Irish officer in the British army during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902). Having noted the extent to which the Irish were represented in the British army, th...
Pascale AMIOT-JOUENNE, Auteur
Composé par Seamus Heaney en 1991, Seeing Things est consacré à la vision dans ses dimensions physique, mentale, imaginaire, hallucinatoire et mystique. Le recueil témoigne d'une énergie créati...
Catherine PIOLA, Auteur
Les deux dernières décennies ont vu la population irlandaise se transformer, s'adapter aux nouveaux modes de vie et de travail et adopter les valeurs et les comportements liés à une économie mondia...
Michael D. HIGGINS, Auteur
Michael D. Higgins a des raisons d'être "profondément ému" lorsqu'il prononce à la Sorbonne la conférence qui suit sur l'Europe et la citoyenneté dans le contexte de la présidence irlandaise de l'U...
Bruce STEWART, Auteur
In April 2009 Derek Mahon contributed a poem called "A Country Kitchen" to "Seamus Heaney at 70", a supplement of the Irish Times . That poem revealed signs of a literary colloquy on poetry and ...
Ute Anna MITTERMAIER, Auteur
This paper analyses Kate O'Brien's representation of Spain in Farewell Spain (1937), drawing on unpublished material. It argues that Farewell Spain , written during the Spanish Civil War, am...
Adrienne JANUS, Auteur
Following philosophical anthropologists such as Helmuth Plessner, Georges Bataille, and Jean-Luc Nancy, as well as cultural linguists such as Joseph Vendryes, this article explores the event of lau...
Pauline BEAUGE DE LA ROQUE, Auteur
Afin de répondre aux profondes mutations qui marquèrent le monde au cours du XXe siècle, Jean XXIII convoqua le concile de Vatican II. S'il s'agissait pour le Vatican de répondre à la prise de cons...
Heike MISSLER, Auteur
Ondine (written and directed by Neil Jordan) is a modern fairy tale set in Ireland on a low budget. Although the film is set in the present and makes reference to current issues, it is strongly...
Jane STEEL, Auteur
Neil Jordan has suggested that "when you have Shakespeare, why do you need movies?" This article seeks to highlight the analogies between some key themes from Shakespeare's Hamlet and Jordan's ...
Even though O'Connell came from a Gaelic background and is well-known for this struggle in favour of the Emancipation of Irish Catholics and the Repeal of the 1800 Act of Union between Ireland and ...